Tuesday, September 28, 2010
City Weekend
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sewn Together September Blocks
Monday, September 20, 2010
Weekend Update
Phew! I got a lot accomplished during my Unadulterated Sewing Extravaganza. Saturday morning I stayed in bed until 9:30 am. I wish I could say that I slept in, but the boy was very loud as he was trying to do last minute packing for his trip. Thankfully, he was sweet enough to make me coffee and bring it to me in bed. I didn't leave the house at all on Saturday. It was blissful! And I also didn't kill myself to get everything on my To Do List done either. I took it leisurely. In fact, I ended up switching gears on what I thought I was going to make for my partner in the SavVy {Seasons} Swap and took it in a slightly different direction than I originally intended.
Sunday morning included a trip to the craft store to pick up some supplies, and use some coupons - I had to get notions and tools for the IBOL package. Then, I settled into the house for more sewing and movie watching. I finally saw Inglorious Bastards and it was great - but there were so many subtitles that I had to ditch the sewing machine in favor of a little hand sewing on the couch.
After my massage, I evaluated where things stood and cleaned up my space, after I heard that my wonderful and amazing fiancé was going to come home a night early. I wanted the house to look nice for him, so I took a bunch of stuff that required hand work and crawled into bed to catch up on the end of the last season of Dexter (before the new season starts this weekend).
All in all I didn't get everything on my To Do List finished but I did make a good dent and prioritizing helped me finish, or nearly finish, the projects I need to get out the door first.
To Do List {Progress}:
1) Scrappy Pincushion Swap - Check! I finished my original pincushion for my partner on Saturday morning but I wasn't 100% satisfied with it so I made her a second pincushion. That one is 90% done. I just need to hand stitch on the closing panel and I want to add a {removable} wrist strap and add some embellishments.
2) SaVvy {Seasons} Swap – I’m 40% of the way there. I made her some stuffed pumpkin table toppers. The pumpkins are together, I just need to finish the embellishments and then add the stems. I also started on a stuffed Christmas tree table topper. This needs embellishments and I need to finish off the bottom. I also started “wrapping” the fabric presents I will be using in the garland I am making her. And I sewed together the candy canes for the garland but they need to be stuffed. I finished a pin cushion for her made from the selvedges of the holiday fabrics I am using in her garland. And she’s getting some homemade ornaments. Since we don’t celebrate Christmas around our house I went a little crazy.
SavVy {Seasons} Swap Holiday Pincushion (Both Sides)
3) IBOL – Check-ish! I bought a bunch or notions and sewing tools for my package. I just need to add some fabric and I am ready to ship this puppy out.
4) Studio Space – This one got placed on the To Do Later list, since there is no deadline to get the space done.
5) Jill's Bag – I should have finished this one but, unfortunately, I didn’t touch it. Silly. It was an easy one for me to complete.
6) Massage – Check! Oh yeah! It was good and so necessary!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Unadulterated Sewing Extravaganza To Do List
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Call Me Overcommitted
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
do. Good Stitches September Blocks
Monday, September 13, 2010
Finding Time to Work
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ruthie's Quilt is Done!